Palm Sunday: The King Has Come!
Join us this Palm Sunday as we remember and rejoice in Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem—a fulfillment of prophecy and a proclamation of His Kingship! Crowds once cried, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” (John 12:13), and today, we continue to lift high the name of our Savior.
Come worship with us as we prepare our hearts for Holy Week and reflect on Christ’s journey to the cross for our salvation.
📅 Date: April 13th
🕙 Service Time: 11am
👧 Children’s Church available for ages 4 and up!

Journey To The Cross
On Good Friday, we invite you to pause, reflect, and remember the profound sacrifice of Jesus Christ through two meaningful experiences. You are welcome to take part in one or both, as we journey together through this solemn and significant day.
Journey To The Cross (4:30 PM – After Service)
Begin your evening with Journey to the Cross, a self-paced, interactive prayer walk designed to immerse you in the events of Jesus’ crucifixion. Through guided reflections and engaging stations, this experience offers a unique and personal way to contemplate Christ’s suffering, love, and sacrifice. Whether you take a few minutes or an hour, this journey is yours to walk at your own pace. Doors open at 4:30 PM, and the experience will remain available after the service. Journey to the Cross begins in the Family Life Center.
📅 Date: April 18th
🕙 Time: Doors open at 4:30 in the Family Life Center for this self-paced experience.
Good Friday Service (6pm)
Join us as we gather in worship to remember the darkest yet most redemptive moment in history—the crucifixion of Jesus. Through Scripture, prayer, and song, we will reflect on the weight of the cross and the depth of Christ’s love, preparing our hearts for the hope of Resurrection Sunday.
Come, reflect, and worship with us as we behold the Lamb who was slain for our salvation. We invite you to experience the gravity and grace of Good Friday at Virtue Church.
📅 Date: April 18th
🕙 Service Time: 6pm

He Is Risen! Celebrate Easter at Virtue Church
The tomb is empty—Jesus is alive! Join us this Easter Sunday as we rejoice in the victory of our risen Savior and the hope of new life found in Him.
🌅 Sunrise Service – 7:00 AM (Pavilion)
Gather with us in the beauty of the early morning as we celebrate the resurrection with worship, Scripture, and prayer.
🥞 Free Family Breakfast – Following Sunrise Service
Enjoy a warm meal and fellowship with our church family before the celebration continues!
✝️ Easter Worship Service – 11:00 AM (Family-Friendly)
Experience the joy of Resurrection Sunday through powerful worship, biblical teaching, and a message of hope and redemption in Christ.
Come as you are, bring your loved ones, and celebrate the greatest news in history!
📅 Easter Sunday: April 20
🕙 Service Time: 7am Sunrise Service, 11am Easter Worship
Let’s worship our risen King together!